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Melissa Mansfield
Sep 23, 20211 min read
Dancing with Olympian Yeisser Ramirez
I met Yeisser Ramirez as I meet most people – through dancing. We’re both part of a vibrant community of salsa dancers in New York City...

Melissa Mansfield
Sep 20, 20212 min read
Do We Dance to Show our Hidden Emotions?
Do we dance so we can SHOW our emotions, because it’s the ONE PLACE where we don’t have to HIDE them? I asked myself this after reading...

Melissa Mansfield
Sep 17, 20211 min read
How to Really Be a Sexy Dancer
What does it really mean to be a sexy dancer? Is it how you look or how you express yourself?

Melissa Mansfield
Mar 17, 20203 min read
How to Follow Your Passion in Times of Uncertainty
What are you doing during this time of uncertainty to continue to nurture your dreams and passions?

Melissa Mansfield
Mar 3, 20201 min read
You Can Be Afraid & Still Be Brave
I don’t think brave means being fearless. I think brave means digging down into your inner strength and using it to do what’s right.

Melissa Mansfield
May 26, 20184 min read
A Dancer's Rant: Stop Telling Me to Relax!
The mantra of the dance world: “relax”. “RELAX.” Talk to anyone learning a partner dance and they will hear this over and over and over....

Melissa Mansfield
May 25, 20182 min read
Going Backwards Is Part of the Process
Do you ever feel like you're going backwards in some aspect of your life? Or maybe just in life in general? During my first week back in...

Melissa Mansfield
May 4, 20182 min read
Reggaeton Dancing in the Streets of Havana
I went back to #Havana for a month-long visit in April and had a bunch of goals in mind. Take lots of photos and videos and post on...

Melissa Mansfield
Mar 27, 20182 min read
Feeling Intimidated? Ask Them to Dance Anyway
A girlfriend and I were talking the other day about guys not asking her to dance salsa. A lot of times she’ll have to ask them to dance...

Melissa Mansfield
Mar 16, 20183 min read
No More Shame. Beauty is a Performance Art.
When I watched the video of my first Reggaeton Fusion performance workshop I felt so bad, I wound up crying. It was not the reaction I...

Melissa Mansfield
Mar 16, 20183 min read
My Favorite Flash Mob: A Bride's Dream Come True
The concept was simple - a groom wanted to surprise his bride with a flash mob at their wedding, since she had mentioned how cool she...

Melissa Mansfield
Mar 16, 20183 min read
On Stage: Learning to Let Go at the SF Salsa Rueda Festival
It took three months of rehearsals and was over in 3 1/2 minutes. Even though I was really nervous leading up to it, when the time came,...

Melissa Mansfield
Mar 1, 20181 min read
Dreams Don't Have Deadlines
"Dreams don't have deadlines." LL Cool J For years I dreamed of studying dance in Cuba. And not just on vacation. But really settling in...

Melissa Mansfield
Feb 16, 20183 min read
Dance is for Everyone: And That Means Boys Too
My friend proudly posted a picture on Facebook. It was her young son's first day of dance class and he was at the barre in second...

Melissa Mansfield
Feb 2, 20182 min read
Giraffes Can Dance and So Can You
One weekend, while visiting a girlfriend who was my inspiration to learn salsa, I read her young daughter's book called “Giraffes Can’t...

Melissa Mansfield
Jun 17, 20174 min read
I'm Trying to Dance with the Pros: Lessons Learned from Just One Rehearsal
We spent an hour and a half on less than 25 seconds of the choreography. By the end, I was completely drenched in sweat and dying for...
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